, Candida diet, Antifungals, Leaky Gut, Candida, candidiasis, yeast infection, Treatment Protocol, got rid of candida, detox, candida, got rid of candida, coffee enema, herbal antifungals, nystatin, thrush, candida plan, candida protocol, how to cure candida, how to get rid of candida, Candida Cookbooks, Candida diet, Antifungals, Leaky Gut, Candida, candidiasis, yeast infection, Treatment Protocol, got rid of candida, detox, candida diet, candida, coffee enema, how to get rid of candida, how to cure candida, how to treat candida, toenail fungus
Some candida websites and articles suggest you do not need a doctor to help you get rid of candida. However, there are several good reasons why you should get a doctor's help.

1. A doctor can make sure that you don't have some other digestive disease or condition other than candida. There are other conditions that result in some symptoms that are similar to candida. For example, irritable bowel syndrome can cause stomach pain, belching, bloating, and gas.
2. If you have other on-going health conditions or are sensitive to medications and supplements then its especially good to have your primary physician be your gate keeper for your health concerns, including lab tests, medications, and supplements.
3. You will need a doctor to order the comprehensive stool analysis test if you want to have it done.  
4. You will need a doctor if you decide you want to go the route of using a prescription antifungal.
5. Your primary physician can advise you when you have other health issues come up during your treatment of candida.  For example, I had to have my wisdom teeth out and had to deal with the issue of whether to use an antibiotic or not for the surgery.  

I did go several months without a doctor because I doctors that I went to initially could not help me. But I was definitely better off once I found a doctor that could help me. (See my entry on How to Find a Doctor).

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Candida Cookbooks, Candida diet, Antifungals, Leaky Gut, Candida, candidiasis, yeast infection, Treatment Protocol, got rid of candida, detox, candida diet, candida, coffee enema, how to get rid of candida, how to cure candida, how to treat candida, toenail fungus